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2022 Board of Directors Election Results 




 We're proud to announce the winners of this year's Board of Directors Elections. Before we do, we would like to thank the members who demonstrated courage and generosity by running for these positions. Your spirit of service has not gone unnoticed!

Congratulations to the following (new) Board members:

Membership Director: Greg Gaa

Region 1 Representative: Denny Wongosari

Region 2 Representative: Tanya Marquez

Also, we will be holding a special election for the position of Treasurer. This vacancy was unfilled by the regular election, but please look for a ballot to vote in this special election in your inbox this Monday. As with every election, your vote is your voice! Please make sure to exercise your right to have your voice heard as a member.


Our Mission

The mission of the IATA is to improve the quality of healthcare in the State of Illinois through the advancement, promotion, and improvement of the athletic training profession for practicing Athletic Trainers in all settings, and to be proactive in creating effective partnerships in our communities, as well as among those interested in athletic training as a career. In addition, IATA provides a means for a free exchange of ideas for the Illinois athletic training field.


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