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Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Requirement


Updated March 1, 2020:

As of January 1, 2020, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) has mandated that all licensed professionals complete a one-hour (1 CE) course on sexual harassment prevention. This will affect the license renewal process for all Athletic Trainers in Illinois this year. The IATA has worked hard at researching the new law and avenues for athletic trainers in Illinois to be in compliance with the law. At this time, it is recommended that if your employer does not provide compliant sexual harassment prevention training that you complete the NATA Professional Development Center course titled Sexual Harassment and Its Impact on Athletic Training. This course satisfies the requirements dictated by the new law and is in compliant with our CE provider, the BOC. If searching for an alternate course, it is important to realize that the course must be at or above entry level for Athletic Trainers. If a course meets this criteria, it can be classified as Category D CEUs. Many employer-mandated trainings taken by all employees do not meet this criteria as they are taken by individuals other than healthcare providers. If you are unsure if your employer's course will meet the IDFPR guidelines, they may send a course outline to the IDFPR for further guidance.

Moving forward, the IATA will be looking into hosting additional events to satisfy this new requirement as additional training will be required within each license renewal period.

If you have a potential course and would like to know if it meets the requirement, please contact the IDFPR here.

If you have other questions about the IATA's efforts regarding this requirement, please contact Education Committee Chair Nicholas E. Grahovec at

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